Students from Royal Palm Beach Elementary School went dipnetting in the marsh on the north side of Grassy Waters Preserve. [Photo by Bruce R. Bennett/The Palm Beach Post]
What: Wetland Dipnetting
When: Saturday, July 27, at 9:30 a.m.
Where: Riverbend Park
Address: 9060 Indiantown Road, Jupiter
Who: Palm Beach County Parks & Recreation Department
Cost: $5 per person
Ages: 5 and older
Register: pbcnature.com
Riverbend Park is closing July with Wetland Dipnetting, an in-depth learning experience diving into the world of wetlands. Participants learn from a naturalist about different kinds of wetlands and experience dipnetting while searching for aquatic organisms to study, then release.
A dip net, used for fishing, consists of a bag made from materials that enable scooping up aquatic life while releasing water through the net. A dip net is different from other fishing tools because of the distinct long handle attached to the net.
Dipnetting is quite different from fishing with a line and hook. In bait fishing, fishers can hook and reel in a single fish. Dipnetting enables fishers to catch multiple organisms in one sweep.
The program is by reservation only. Register at pbcparks.com.