2019 Palm Beach Maker Faire at the Cox Science Center.
Photo by Cox Science Center and Aquarium
The Palm Beach Mini Maker Faire is returning to the Cox Science Center and Aquarium in West Palm Beach on May 21 for the first time since 2019.
Maker Faire serves as the ultimate science fair, allowing creators of all ages and backgrounds, from scientists and artists to teachers and performers, to showcase their inventions. Attendees can experience the works of others or bring their own.
Maker Faire started in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2006, and Mini Maker Faire reached Palm Beach County in 2016.
The event brings the community together by encouraging maker involvement. Makers’ interactive, often visually spectacular creations vary in purpose, though all are originals. At Maker Faire, you could see anything from a boat that runs on solar power to electronic kitty ears. Projects could incorporate lights, sounds, music, performance, paint, wood and more. This year’s Palm Beach Mini Maker Faire will include workshops, science demos, robot fights and 3D printing.
Archvillain Games has produced 3D-printed fantasy tabletop models since 2019. It will teach Maker Faire attendees methods for 3D printing from home. Robot Ruckus, part of the Maker Effect Foundation, will oversee the battlebots arena as part of an initiative to promote science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) in education.
Palm Beach Mini Maker Faire will take place inside and outside the Cox Science Center from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 21. Mini Maker Faire tickets are included in the price of admission to the center: $19.95 for adults, $17.95 for seniors, $15.95 for children ages 3 to 12, and free for younger children and for center members. The Cox Science Center and Aquarium is at 4801 Dreher Trail North.