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Jupiter Police Foundation celebrates Casino Royale themed ball

Michelle Morrison

Updated: Apr 3, 2024

Co-chair Jerry Somma, Chief David England, and co-chair Jay Alpert at a previous Jupiter Police Officers' Ball. [Photo by Jupiter Police Foundation.]

The Jupiter Police Foundation is holding its third annual Jupiter Police Officers’ Ball on Friday, March 29, at The Club at Admiral’s Cove, 200 Admirals Cove Blvd. in Jupiter.

“An Evening at Casino Royale” will immerse guests in James Bond-style sophistication and thrills. The cocktail hour will include casino games and a silent auction, followed by a gourmet dinner and dancing to the music of Wonderama. 


The honorary chairs for the event are professional golfer Dustin Johnson and his wife, Paulina Gretzky, an actress and model, as well as Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric L. Bradshaw. The emcee is WPBF-25 news anchor Felicia Rodriguez. The event co-chairs are Jupiter Police Foundation President Jay Alpert and Vice President Jerry Somma.

Proceeds will go to the Jupiter Police Foundation, a nonprofit founded in 2017 to raise money to support the Jupiter Police Department. 


Tickets are $500. The following sponsorship levels, which add promotional opportunities and other perks to admission, are available: Shaken Not Stirred, $1,500; Golden Eye Valet, $7,500; The Spy Who Loved Me, $10,000; Goldfinger, $15,000; and Diamonds Are Forever, $25,000.

To learn more about the event, visit


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